Take a look at what I have been working on! 😃😄😁

When you click on the image, you go to the corresponding website.

image of the Hobbies site by Susanne van Oosterom

Hobbies site

Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

image of the Window of Tolerance site by Susanne van Oosterom

Window of Tolerance

Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

image of the Weather App site by Susanne van Oosterom

Weather App

Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and API

image of the World Clock site by Susanne van Oosterom

World clock

Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and API

image of the French Poem generator site by Susanne van Oosterom

French Poem generator

Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, API and AI

image of the Photo Gallery site by Susanne van Oosterom

Photo Gallery

Built with HTML and CSS

Dictionary App by Susanne van Oosterom

Dictionary App

Built with React, API, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Weather React App by Susanne van Oosterom

React Weather App

Built with React, API, HTML, CSS and JavaScript